Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 - Year of the Caveman

The holidays are over and most likely you have over-indulged and are ready to get back on track. Either toss the leftover goodies, or pass them along to a willing neighbor. Do you really want another piece of fruitcake? Your body will thank you as you replace your wine and beer with water, and your cookies with some paleo treats. You'll be anxious to get moving and return to your exercise routines, because your energy levels will begin to rise. If you are just getting started with a new year's resolution, good for you! It's a great time to research the paleo diet and give it a try. It's real food, you do not need to count calories, and you can do it for life. 

My resolution is kicking in this week. I'll be posting more recipes now that the holiday rush is over. In the meantime, scan through those that have already been posted and get to the grocery store and markets! Restock the cupboard and fridge and set a new goal: better health in 2012!

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